关于「 Li Jia」的内容列表

South Theater Air Force Spokesperson Li Jianjian Air Force Senior Colonel made a statement

On February 4th, the air force of the southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army conducted a routine patrol in the airspace of Huangyan Island on February 4th. During this period, the Philippines solicited the so-called "joint patrol" organized by foreign countries to deliberately disrupt peace and stability in the South China Sea. The air force of the theater continued to maintain a high degree of alert and resolutely defended the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rig...

2025-02-04 06:20:09
Li Jiachao: Hong Kong will explore the establishment of an international gold trading center

On January 13, Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said at the 18th Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong that Hong Kong will explore new growth areas, including the establishment of an international gold trading center, providing world-class gold storage facilities, adding insurance, testing and certification, logistics and other supporting services, and eventually forming a complete gold trading center and related industrial chain to provide investors w...

2025-01-13 06:42:19
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority will launch a digital bond subsidy scheme

Li Ka-chao today delivered his third "Policy Address" during his tenure. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced that it will soon launch the "Digital Bond Funding Scheme" to encourage more Financial Institution Groups and issuers to adopt tokenization technology in capital markets transactions to promote the development of the digital securities market. In addition, the HKMA also allows potential issuers to test business plans and application scenarios through the stablecoin issuer sandbox, ...

2024-10-16 05:06:24
Li Jiachao: Promote the application of artificial intelligence in innovative financial services such as central bank digital currency and virtual asset trading

The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, said that the government will continue to promote the central bank's policy stance and guidelines on the application of artificial intelligence in innovative financial services such as digital currency, mobile payment, virtual banking, virtual insurance, and virtual asset trading. Measures include, First, to promote the application of cross-border transfer of central bank digital currency, the Hong Kong Monetary Auth...

2024-10-16 04:21:12
Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Attract investors to store gold in Hong Kong and promote the clearing and delivery of gold transactions. We will give full play to the mechanism and supporting advantages of an international financial center to build an international gold trading center. The government will promote...

Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Attract investors to store gold in Hong Kong, and promote the clearing and delivery of gold transactions. We will give full play to the mechanism and supporting advantages of an international financial center to build an international gold trading center. The government will promote international commodity exchanges, set up authorized warehouses in Hong Kong, and attract enterprises to settle in Hong Kong through tax inc...

2024-10-16 03:25:58
Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: We will make every effort to promote more global funds to be managed in Hong Kong, including promoting the development of new sales channels for Private Offering Funds through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and seeking cooperation with large corporate sovereign funds in the Middle East and other regions.

Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: We will make every effort to promote more global funds to be managed in Hong Kong, including promoting the development of new sales channels for Private Offering Funds through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and seeking cooperation with large corporate sovereign funds in the Middle East and other regions to jointly establish funds to invest in assets in the mainland and other regions.

2024-10-16 03:31:35
Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: In order to promote the trade in spirits, the duty rate for spirits with an import price of more than HK $200 will be reduced from 100% to 10% from now on, while the duty rate for spirits with an import price of more than HK $200 and below will remain unchanged.

Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: In order to promote the trade in spirits, the duty rate for spirits with an import price of more than HK $200 will be reduced from 100% to 10% with immediate effect, while the duty rate for spirits with an import price of more than HK $200 and below will remain unchanged.

2024-10-16 03:43:08
Li Jiachao: The Hong Kong SAR government will establish a "working group on the development of low-altitude economy"

On October 16, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, delivered the "Chief Executive's 2024 Policy Address" today (16th) in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Complex of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will set up a "Low-altitude Economic Development Working Group", headed by the Deputy Secretary for Finance, to formulate low-altitude economic development strategi...

2024-10-16 03:47:32

7x24 快讯

05:22 2025-03-14
阿肯色州加密采矿协会正在起诉两名阿肯色州官员,认为他们执行了一项违宪的歧视性州规,禁止外国出生的美国公民从事加密采矿活动等。阿肯色州总检察长蒂姆-格里芬(Tim Griffin)和阿肯色州石油天然气委员会主任劳伦斯-本加尔(Lawrence Bengal)于 3 月 13 日向美国阿肯色州东区地方法院提起了诉讼。 此前,联邦法院在去...
05:19 2025-03-14
特拉华州一家法院已暂时批准宾夕法尼亚州比特币矿业公司针对其托管公司提出的临时限制令,该托管公司因付款纠纷而阻止了对其矿机的访问。该限制令禁止托管服务提供商阻止访问并以其他方式接管该矿工在该物业中的21,000台矿机。 副校长摩根·祖恩(Morgan Zurn)于3月12日批准了比特币矿工Consensus Colocation和系统所...
05:19 2025-03-14
据官方公告,Bithumb将上线Orbiter Finance(OBT)韩元交易对。
05:16 2025-03-14
监控技术公司Flock Safety获A16z领投2.75亿美元融资
总部位于亚特兰大的监控技术公司Flock Safety完成了由Andreessen Horowitz(A16z)领投的2.75亿美元融资,公司估值达到75亿美元。参与此轮投资的还包括Greenoaks Capital和Bedrock Capital。 至此,FlockSafety累计融资额已超过9.5亿美元。公司计划于2025年开发美国本土制造的无人机,并在佐治亚州建设一座面积10万平方英尺的制造工厂。该公司专注于提供基于人工智能的安全监控解决方案...
05:04 2025-03-14
一鲸鱼8 小时前清仓HYPE ,损失超过 180 万美元
据Lookonchain监测,8 小时前,一鲸鱼抛售了所有 HYPE ,损失超过 180 万美元,从 2 月 25 日到 3 月 4 日,这条鲸鱼花费 508 万美元买入 26.6万枚HYPE,均价为 19.08 美元。8 小时前,他以 327 万美元卖出,均价为 12.27 美元,损失超过 180 万美元。
04:45 2025-03-14
SEC 确认受理富兰克林邓普顿现货 Solana ETF 申请文件
据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已确认受理富兰克林邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)提交的现货 Solana ETF 申请文件。
04:45 2025-03-14
据Ai姨监测,Grass团队关联地址于11小时前从Bybit交易所提取了价值627万美元的GRASS代币。 这些代币已被转移至地址HMy1Z...QxrzT。该地址曾在TGE前从Grass团队多签地址接收了1000万枚GRASS代币,并在过去4个月内分批将代币充值至交易所。
04:21 2025-03-14
据Onchain Lens监测,某鲸鱼已向HyperLiquid存入310万枚USDC并开始买入HYPE。
04:18 2025-03-14
币安预计将于2025年03月17日14:00(东八区时间)暂停Ronin(RONIN)网络的代币充值、提现业务,以支持其网络升级及硬分叉。 项目方将于区块高度 43,447,600(预计2025年03月17日15:00 东八区时间)进行网络升级及硬分叉。
04:09 2025-03-14
Zhu Su:加密行业若将行业失败归咎于创始人,可能会影响高潜力创业者的加入
ZhuSu表示,LUNA崩盘让众多投资者损失惨重,因此对于Do Kwon的宽恕呼声并不高涨。作为加密史上最庞大的协议之一,Terra的机制始终公开透明,UST被各大交易所广泛采用,顶级VC也深度参与。然而,如今行业似乎将失败归咎于其个人,而非系统性问题。 尽管Do Kwon在巅峰时期过于自负,未...
04:03 2025-03-14
金色午报 | 3月14日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:内阁、比特币DeFi、俄罗斯 1.高盛策略师:美股可能会继续表现落后; 2.特朗普内阁22名成员中有 6 人持有比特币资产; 3.美国法院批准三箭资本对FTX的15.3亿美元索赔请求; 4.Binance报告:比特币DeFi可 “释放数十亿比特币流动性”; 5.美佛蒙特州监管部门撤销对Coinbase关于质押服务的质询令; 6.The ETF Store总裁:预测BlackRock将申请Solana和XRP ETF...
03:48 2025-03-14
据MistTrack监测,Tether已冻结1100万USDT,涉及TRON地址THsPNvWc47swNQp2GmAoH96KtYfSR4bz9F,疑与钓鱼活动相关。此外,UniswapV2Pair合约地址(0x652d…89E) 亦被冻结44.24万USDT。